연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 Graduate Student Oral Session (I) (English)
발표장 제9회장
논문코드 1O9-10
발표일 2021-10-21
발표시간 16:25-16:40
논문제목 An
발표자 오솔미
발표자 소속 UNIST
저자 오솔미, 김예찬1, 김소연1,†
소속 UNIST; 1서울대학교
논문초록 The structures and dynamics of Interfacial polymers (IPs) near the particle surface are often distinguished from those of bulk polymer, which can contribute to the improved property of polymer nanocomposites (PNCs). Because of the slow dynamics of IPs, they are prone to be trapped in nonequilibrium during processing steps. A previous sutdy reported that the IPs formed by physical adsorption can exhibit different structures and dynamics of PNCs depending on the casting solvent even after a removal of casting solvent. In this work, we study initial solvent-driven nonequilibrium of the chemically grafted PNCs with varying grafting density. With low grafting density, the nonequilibrium effect is qualitatively similar to the case of physical adsorption. As grafting density is moderately increased, the difference in particle microstructures and rheological properties of PNC depending on the initial solvent is significantly reduced, implying a suppression of nonequilibrium effect.